Of course you’re not. It’s not your fault that you’re poor, unemployed and have the mental capacity just below the average daytime TV game show host, it’s the fault of the evil society, the stupid teachers who failed to see your ambition (owning a whopping three plasma TV-screens while on social welfare) and talent (dodging the social security assistant investigating how you, while being granted 300.000 bucks annually from the taxpayers money, still can’t afford to feed your kids), the mean unemployment assistants who just won’t give up on trying to find you a decent job and of course those nasty, nasty employed people, parading around with their noses in the air, constantly berating you with dark glances shot sideways, regarding themselves as better than you. What do they know? You had it tough! You weren’t spoon-fed caviar form a silver plate (in fact, you didn’t even know that caviar corrodes silver and thus ivory is used instead, and you still don’t. You think that caviar is bought on tube), you had to fight for every morsel! OK, not every but that’s beside the point. I mean, you only hade one console amongst the three of you! And it was a crappy Sega Genesis, not one of those cool Nintendo 64, hello! Kids get picked on for less. Of course, no one picked on you, did they? Nuh-uh, you were one of the cool kids, right? Hanging out back behind the cantina smoking cigarettes trying to look cool while fighting to keep the vomit down. Of course it was all downhill from there with getting drunk before even hitting puberty, passing out before long and eventually landing you here, on a fake-leather sofa in the outskirts of a backwards town way out nowhere with a whole bunch of snot-nosed red-eyed kids conceived when you were either passed out from alcohol or simply low on rent money. Remember: You Are Not Responsible!
Of course, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there and everybody looks out for themselves. You have to take your stand, loud and proud or else some paragraph jockey of a social worker might try to take away what’s legally yours. They tried that once too many, the nerve of some people. It’s your right as a citizen; no one should have to be forced to work suffering from so severe conditions as you what with your diffuse back pain, social phobia and anxiety not to mention the various mental letter disorders – ADD, DAMP, ADSL and whatnot. When did society become so cold and result based? It’s the fault of the government, that’s what it is! It’ll be forced labour camps any day now, an honest citizen can’t make a decent living anymore. Remember: You Are Not Responsible!
The kids are a totally different matter. Loud mouthed little rats those, always yelling, always fighting, and always wrecking the place. Almost killed King (the great big beast of a mongrel) the other day, didn’t they? Don’t they teach discipline in the schools anymore? Damn lazy teachers, always busy hiding in the teachers lounge, spying on your kids and grassing to the headmaster. Accidents happen, your little darlings didn’t actually start all those fights, it was self defence it was! Sure, they can be a merry bunch but never outright evil. Well, OK, Cevin do have a fondness for birds nests, eggs and hatchlings but boys will be boys and it’s evolution anyway. See, he was doing old Mother Nature a favour, cleaning out the weak before they can pass their defect genes. No wonder the country’s going overboard the way we let deficient genetic material propagate through the generations.
Anyway, the educational system is to blame here, you can’t very well put the sole responsibility of bringing up kids and teaching them sound values on a hard-wor… busy single mother now can you? Besides, the kids spend so much of their day at school it’s only to be supposed that they’re taught good wholesome values but no, apparently the teachers let them run free. Well, it’s not yout fault, remember: You Are Not Responsible!