torsdag 29 maj 2008

Wireless, Clueless

Continuing from before the steady stream of curses knows no end:

So for some reason every fucking thing in existence must, absolutely must, be "wireless". Wireless networks, wireless media streaming, wireless headsets, you name it and it can be made wireless even if it really shouldn't be. Someday soon wireless powerunits will be called for (no, not batteries, we've all seen how "wireless" a battery is. Not!) at which point we'll all probably fry and good riddance.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with a good solid cable and an RJ45 connector? Nothing, that's what! Fucking dimwit morons who take every oppertunity to cut cables. Cables are good!
What are the pros with cables? Here's a few:

*) It fucking works!
*) Max transmission speed al-fucking-ways
*) No goddamn hex-keys or encryption bullcrap is needed
*) No goddman fucking wireless phone in fucking existance fucks with it
*) A shitload higher transmission speed

What are the cons with wireless? Here's a few:

*) Doesn't fucking work
*) Fluctuating transmission speed
*) Goddamn hex-keys and encryption bullcrap is needed
*) Goddman fucking wireless phones are fucking with it
*) Retarded transmission speed

And of course, you'll have to endure the painstaking procedure of connecting devices all the fucking time. How in Benji's name am I supposed to remember a fucking hex key?
- You don't dumbass, just type in the...
- Fuck off dimwit! You try connecting to this piece of shit router of mine without using hex, good fucking luck.

Now here's the worst part: I have a laptop (yeah, it actually fits on your lap. It's amazingly small and can run off the battery for like five hours! Of course, it was made during the Dark Ages before laptops somehow needed GeForce 880GTX -cards and widescreen resolution to run the Very Idiotic, Stupid and Totally Assraped OS, or VISTA OS) and this is the one instance a wireless network solution would be nice. I write "would be" because although it's theoretically in place, it's practically not working. However, as I'm forum surfing it suddenly drops dead and stops working.
"Page cannot be displayed" I am informed by Firefox. No shit Sherlock but why the fuck not?
OK, let's see... Wireless adapter seems fine, signal strength is "Excellent" (and it should be as I'm maybe five yards from the goddamn router and not a single wall in between), status is "Connected" and the speed is 54 Mbit/sec. So why in the name of Ronald McDonald's ruptured colon is the fucking thing not working? It's not and ISP issue since it's working fine on the mercifully wired game rig. That leaves the donkey-dick of a wireless piece of shit router. Fucking bullshit motherfucker has to be rebooted to work a few hours and then shuts down again. I'm telling you, a few more breakdowns and I'll shut it down permanently. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.

Over and out

onsdag 28 maj 2008


I'm going to use a lot of curse words below so if you're sensitive or have a young, fragile mind don't read the following. Although if you are young, you're likely to ignore this and continue on. But at least your parents won't be able to blame me since I posted a warning.

Anyway, let's get this rant underway.

Some weeks back I did some forum surfing when I came across a thread about the XP SP 3 in the least expected place of all; a forum for the "technologically challenged" or as I (privately) call them: Idiots.
This was the first time I heard about it which is strange since it's predecessor was advertised up and down every possible tech site and forum around. Even more strange this silence is because it's the last SP for XP and after all, it's MS we're talking about. I didn't think much about it at the time becaus I didn't really see the point of it but after some digging I found out that it's supposed to speed things up and is generally thought of as a rather nifty creation.

So I Googled it. That's where the troubles began.

The first hit I got was an MS page, fine, let's try that one:

"Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview"

What? Why on earth would I want to look at an overview, I want the executable for fucks sake! The next hit on Google landed me on a tech site complaining about the delay of SP 3. It's already out! Let's just get back to the MS site and dig around. Maybe there's a trackback to a download page from the overview.


After all, it's an MS site, why on earth would you include a link to the download page from the overview?
Further down the page it sais:

To start the download, click the Download button and then do one of the following, or select another language from Change Language and then click Change.

Click Run to start the installation immediately.
Click Save to copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time."What complete bullshit! There's no "Download button" on the fucking page you morons! The only thing you can download here is the the retarded overview documentation! What's wrong with you guys?

OK, so, more digging. When I found the actual download page I got this message :

"DO NOT CLICK DOWNLOAD IF YOU ARE UPDATING JUST ONE COMPUTER: A smaller, more appropriate download is now available on Windows Update. The best way to ensure you get Windows XP Service Pack 3 is by turning on the Automatic Updates feature in Windows XP. You can use our step-by-step instructions or, if you prefer, let us do it for you."

First of all, I have Windows Updater (or so it sais) but it won't let me search for updates. I don't know, maybe I'm not trusted to update my own computer, maybe Bill hates me, who knows.
Second of all what does the last part mean, "let us do it for you"? Are you insane? Let some fuckhead MS dumbshit developer fuckass dig around in my system, something I'm not allowed to do? Yeah right, why don't I just provide Billy-boy with my power of attorney and get it over with. Uh-uh, no way jackass.

OK, so, download the 300+ MB file. Done (and in 5 minutes! Yes! Got to love the broadband). Extracting... Extracting... Come on! OK, goo...What?! What the fuck do you mean "incompatible language"? You retarded asslicking fuckwad! Are you telling me the in spite of every fucking thing on the machine being in swedish (except external programs obviously), it's an english edition? Oh you are just fucking kidding me here!

Fuck this, I'm going to go watch some AVGN instead.

Over and fucking out.

Burglar alarms

Well, it's been a while and I can't even come up with anything witty to say anymore. You suck! Well, not You the Reader (unless you do suck in which case I was right) but you as in a general you. And it was obviously a tribute to the "World of Offline Gaming" video found on

But yet again I digress as I often do.

The title of this my most recent rant may be, as in the case of the "Cats" -rant, a bit misleading. This is intentional.
I don't mind burglar alarms in general, in fact I'm in their favour. It is my firm belief that every man or woman of legal age is at liberty to buy themselves as many burglar alarms as they see fit and install them on their own time and in their own homes. Certainly, they (the alarms, not the men and/or women) are borderline useless as one of humanities most prominent features is ignoring things that supposedly don't concern them, but as a bored liberal I say: Go Ahead!

What does bug and annoy me is malfunctioning burglar alarms that go off 2.25 saturday morning and when you finally call the police, not because I care whether or not some store I never frequent gets broken into but because 30 minutes later the blasted alarm is still sounding, they inform you that "the responsible security company is on site and trying to locate the proprietor" and that the alarm won't be shut off until he or she gets there. The alarm then continues to sound until 4.14 (yes I was looking at the clock) at which point all hope of sleep is to be abandoned.
When I went to pick up breakfast buns (oh ha-ha-ha very mature) I was mildly surprised to find the store responsible of the Symphony in C was intact with it's windows unbroken.

Over and out

File sharing

Ye-es I'm back. With another subject to be ranted about in my usual good-tempered manner: File Sharing.
Many are the threads debating whether or not file sharing should be illegal and even more numerous are the posts in which posters claim that file sharing indeed is and forever should be just that.

Friends. Romans. Country hicks. Listen closely for I will say this only about a million times. File sharing is not illegal. Neither should it be. Nor is there even a slight chance that it will become so during the next few years.
No, I don't care about what You think You know. I care even less about what Your friend told You, just as little as I care about what the guy on the bus told You. But what I care the least about is what You read in "that thread" on "that forum".
Download and/or upload of copyrighted materials without permission can be copyright infringement (illegal) but the download and/or upload of non-copyrighted materials with or without permission is not illegal. Get it? Or was that too complicated?

OK, let me paint You a 10'X10' picture:

Lets pretend that I have on my webserver a "Spiderman 3" bootleg. If I was then to fit my homepage with a download link to the "Spiderman 3" bootleg I would be guilty of copyright infringement (the unauthorized use of material which is covered by copyright law). If I was to sit at home filming my feet and then putting it up on my site to be downloaded by morons, I would not infringe on any copyright.

Let me finish with this: If you think that file sharing is illegal then the entire concept of internet is illegal as it is basically a big pile of shared files. As it clearly is not (except in China), you are wrong.

Over and out

Forum posting

Numerous are the things that annoy me, all too many for me to make a comprehensive guide to. But amongst the things that bug me (a) a lot and (b) frequently is bad forum posting. OK, fine, spelling errors find their way into posts from time to time, I can accept that. But why, oh why do some of You keep on posting when it is all too obvious that You have no concept of neither spelling nor grammar?

Let me explain. I assume You are familliar with the terms "forum" and "posting" thus I shan't bother You with a lengthy explaination. From time to time I browse forums, some I return to many times, other I let be after only the briefest of visits but what they all have in common are the Bad Posters. A Bad Poster is a registered forum member who post frequently in separate threads and in many different threads on the forum and persist in bad writing language.
Below I give three examples of such posts, be as it may in swedish. They are, in their own way, untranslatable:

On the subject of file sharing:
" hur vidare fildelning är ett brott eller inte kan diskuteras..vad som skrämmer mig är att polisen kan lägga sådanna resurser på att jaga enstaka fildelare, vilket strafet endast är bötes belagt.. för att i nästa stund säga att dom saknar resurse för att jaga riktiga brotslingar, så som knarklangare organiserad brotslighet eller pedofiler på nätet. jag ser ju hälre att mina skattepengar går till att få fast pedofiler eller andra ovan nämnda skurkar en att dom går till att jaga människor som ladat hem lite musik eller film"


On the subject of our new government:
" När våra kärra nya ministrar har fuskat fram sig förmögenheter innan intåget till makten , GUD bevarar oss vad skall hända med oss svaga i samhället.
medan så många friska arbetskrafter går arbetslösa, vill det nya rigeringen frisk förklara de sjuka och ställa de till arbetsmarknads förfögan (själv klart skall man bekämpa fusket,men inte på det sättet som nya rigeringen misstänker att alla sjuka fuskar).
Det aliansen skulle bekämpa brottsligheten , VAD HAR HÄNT, SJÄLVA MINISTRARNA ÄR REDAN LAGBROTTSLIGA , TÄNK DE SKALL VARA GOTT FÖRBILD , förr var vi kända att vi har världens samvete Men Nu ??????????? Haloooooooooooo Här är vårt land och inte fiende land,En för alla , Alla för en . Herr ministrar"


On the subject of "Borat" trying to sell his son to Madonna:
"Sätt choklad på ett barn och ser om Madonna köper det ?
Fan ! Rent is kalla osmaklös och kommunistisk skämt, grov rasistisk av sig ! Vad kan man säga åt det ! Ett barn är alltid ett barn, AVSETT, hudfärg ! Det är pedofil som har svårt att göra skillnad, precis som Borat !
Det skulle vara jävlig roligt av honom att köra samma skämt i USA och se påföljde. Utvisning ur landet på livstid, så länge Han är inte fullt Amerikan. Han bodde flytta tillbåka till sitt hemland och äta grässmatta i stället!
Lämna Madonna i fred med sin nya bebis ! Hon är en bra människa med god hjärta än Media som sitter och håna henne för pengar skull!"


OK, here goes. First, a few pointers:

* Spelling. Use a basic spell-check like MS Word or, if you're a cheapskate or just to incompetent to mangae a bittorrent client, OpenOffice. When posting in a forum one should strive to avoid spelling errors. Yes, I'm aware that there's probably one or two in this text (not counting the posts) but that's because I'm too lazy right now and this is my blog.

* Grammar. No, I never learned it either but you tend to pick up the basics as you go along, perhaps from reading books or so. I don't know, maybe the above posters are illiterates or just too dumb to read, but still.

* Spacings. You don't put space between the last character and e.g. full stop or exclaimation like this:

Wrong: Bad posting should be prohibited by law !
Right: Bad posters should be fined!

* Number of exclaimation marks. This goes for commas, full stop, question marks etc. You use them one at a time, not ten billion. For the love of Benji, save some for the rest of us!

* Capital letter. After a full stop you use one (1) capital letter, usually the first one. You do not write words or even worse, full sentences, in capitals. If you want to stress a point, use bold letters or underlining. In the case of forums without these necessary formatting tools, use underscore like this: _underlined_

* Stupid opinions. Well, I have nothing against stupid opinions. They give me something to ridicule and rant about.

Over and out